Tag Volunteering

VALLEY – Training course

The VALLEY course in Timisoara was a wonderful experience! With 13 participants – which turned out to be a very lucky number (we had no doubts) – the course was a real success. Each participant brought in a specific piece…

VALLEY’s third newsletter

Our third newsletter is available now. It focuses on the validation method LEVEL5 – an approach to assess and evidence competences gained through non-formal and informal learning, like volunteering. You can read or download it by clicking this link: VALLEY_Newsletter_3_March_2016

VALLEY – Einladung zum transnationalen Trainingskurs in Rumänien

Einladung zum transnationalen Trainingskurs: “Validierung von Kompetenzen in der Jugend-Freiwilligenarbeit ” 09.-13. Mai 2016 Timisoara, Rumanien Das Team des Erasmus+ Projektes VALLEY (Validation System in Lifelong Learning Experinces of Youth Volunteering) lädt interessierte FreiwilligenbetreuerInnen/-koordinatorInnen zu einem 5-tägigen internationalen Trainingskurs zum…

VALLEY’s second newsletter

The VALLEY team is happy to present our second newsletter. It summarises the results of our large scale online survey with more than 300 respondents from all across Europe. You can open or download it here: VALLEY_Newsletter_2_December_2015

VALLEY – 2nd partner meeting in Palermo

On 18. November 2015 the VALLEY partners met for the second transnational meeting in Palermo. The meeting was dedicated to drawing conclusions from the previous research and stocktaking phase as basis for the development of the VALLEY validation approach for…

VALLEY – online survey

The VALLEY project team has launched an online survey addressing both volunteering organisations and volunteers. With the help of the surveys the team wants to get a deeper insight in the competences that can be acquired during volunteering services and…

VALLEY partner meeting in Göttingen

In early May the VALLEY (Validation System in Lifelong Learning Experiences of Youth Volunteering) partners came together in Göttingen to set up the plan for putting the goals of VALLEY into practice. The first steps focus on assessing the field…