Stay in the Loop: everGREEN Newsletter Update!

Keen to stay in the loop with our latest developments? Don’t miss out on the insights and updates in our second newsletter. Download Newsletter #2 now! Searching for translations? Explore additional language options in our project’s download section for more…

everGREEN Framework

We are thrilled to announce that the everGREEN consortium has successfully launched the first outcome of the project. After months of dedicated work, we are excited to share our everGREEN Framework. This Framework is a guiding resource, emphasizing the significance…

Guide available

We are glad to announce that our Guide for therapy centres and vocational training institutions on ecotherapy for substance abuse disorders is now available. The Guide is based on the results of desk and field research carried out by the…

9 Greening Scenarios for VET Institutions

If VET organisations want to develop an institutional greening concept, they must first assess their current status and readiness level of their organisation. To this end, the everGREEN project team has developed a tool to assess the current status of…

Eco-Therapy – Guide coming soon

In the coming weeks we will be able to finalise and share with you the Guide for Therapy Centres and Vocational Training Institutions on the use of ecotherapy in the treatment of substance misuse disorders. The guide will include findings…

Partner meeting in Göttingen

On the 20th and 21st of September we met with our partners from Denmark, Greece, Portugal and Spain in Göttingen (Germany) for the first transnational meeting of the project. At this meeting, the partners had the opportunity to discuss the…

CUR8 course in Uppsala

As part of the CUR8 project, we delivered our training course in June in Uppsala with 3 representatives from each of the partner organisations. The course is the kick-off for the pilot phase in which the participants will implement what…

What exactly is ecotherapy?

Ecotherapy is an umbrella term that encompasses a range of practices (Chaudhury & Banerjee, 2020). Social and therapeutic horticulture includes activities such as passive appreciation of gardens, active gardening or vegetable growing. Animal assisted therapy uses domesticated animals (e.g. dogs,…

Research on the use of ecotherapy

The consortium is currently conducting research activities in each partner country. The aim is to explore the extent to which ecotherapy is part of the training programmes for trainers and educators. Each partner will collect existing initiatives and training programmes…

Eco-Therapy – Kick-off

In May 2022, the five partners met for the first time for a kick-off meeting online to discuss the project in detail and plan the first steps of the project. The partnership had never worked together before and we were…

New project on nature therapy

We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded a new project “Eco-Therapy” on the topic of nature therapy with partners from Spain, Portugal, Greece and Denmark. The project is based in VET and aims to create innovative resources…

SASSI – 2nd newsletter

We have been busy!   Please CLICK HERE  to see the July 2016 Newsletter of the SASSI project for an update on our activities and progress. SASSI – the Silver Age Silver Sage Initiative is a European-wide project funded by the ERASMUS+…