Care4Carers – Validating your Skills
Validating your competences is not only about the certificate, but also about the absolute added value it brings – here is a quote from an NGO manager who has already participated in IMAGES and who has validated his competences. Interested…
Validating your competences is not only about the certificate, but also about the absolute added value it brings – here is a quote from an NGO manager who has already participated in IMAGES and who has validated his competences. Interested…
Are you active in the Third Sector? Are you interested in participating in free counseling sessions for your personal development? Set your goals Identify the competences you gained and wish to be validated Gather evidences and get validated by an…
Today the project partners’ meeting of our innovative iMAGES project took place in Paris, hosted by La Ligue de l’enseignement. Fruitful meeting of leading NGO organisations and training institutions from Italy, Belgium, France, Germany and Spain. And also a great…
What if we considered informal care as a work experience that provides many opportunities to acquire job relevant skills and transfer them to the future job? This article published on Forbes focuses on key skills that informal carers are…
Transversal competences can be applied to a wide variety of situations pertaining to different spheres of life (professional, social, personal). Despite the importance of transversal skills in the labour market and in social domains, they are not always sufficiently taken…
The Support Me project partners invite you to take part in the final conference “Supporting practitioners to train migrants in Europe” that will be carried out in Bordeaux, France, on July 8th, 2022. We will present an interesting programme that…
After a long period of intensive online meetings the project partners were happy to meet again face-to-face. During the two-day meeting in Seville end of April, 2022, the partners finalised the pedagogical method based on the feedback received by trainers…
The Support Me consortium is currently developing a method and tools to validate and recognise migrants’ competences. It is widely recognised that facilitating validation of skills and recognition of qualifications is crucial to ensure that individuals’ skills are used to…
Just a couple of days ago the first in-person meeting with IMAGES project partners, hosted by Arci nazionale, took place in Rome. With the financial support of Erasmus+, the project aims to support not-for-profit and third-sector organisations to build their…
The partnership has researched existing methods and tools to validate competences of our target groups. There is a lot that has been developed in various projects and at European level. Now it’s a matter of looking at what fits best…
The Job Bridge project has come to an end. We are glad to announce that we have been able to achieve the aspired result. Here is what we did, in a nutshell: As part of the Job Bridge project, facilitators…
We are happy to announce the three winners of our Job Bridge Award – the Job Bridge Award addressed projects and initiatives aimed at validating learning outcomes in volunteering. The winners are: Validation of Volunteer Work, presented by ESN, Belgium…
The Job Bridge consortium is organising its final conference in cooperation with the REVEAL community. Their annual conference will take place on 10. The Job Bridge closing conference would have taken place in Brussels in early November. Now with all…