Tag training

COOL Project Ends – Activity Continues!

We look forward to continuing COOL’s successful journey after the end of the project. We have planned a next training course based on the COOL concept for May 2024 in Göttingen. The course will follow the same programme as the…

PROSPER – How to run better meetings

  There are many ways companies try to improve the experience of hybrid meeting participants. Here are some of them: Technical measures investing in better quality audio equipment, like microphones; using a handheld microphone; introducing new forms of videoconference technology…

eDialogue Logo

eDialogue: Successful Training Course in Athens

The eDialogue project training course took place in mid-January. The aim was to introduce the concept of open dialogue in schools developed in the project to support and empower teachers and educators in using digital tools and resources to increase…

Storytelling course now online

As part of the Storyliving project, the course on the use of storytelling for those working with young people with mental health disorders was piloted with 119 Greek, Italian, German, Spanish and Macedonian psychologists, personal assistants, carers, teachers, therapists, special…

Training event in Sofia

From 28-30 November we had our very interactive training week in Sofia, Bulgaria around the DigiArts method and approach with two representatives from each partner organisation. The training was hosted by our Bulgarian partner, Happiness Academy, who facilitated the programme…

Partner meeting in Göttingen

On the 20th and 21st of September we met with our partners from Denmark, Greece, Portugal and Spain in Göttingen (Germany) for the first transnational meeting of the project. At this meeting, the partners had the opportunity to discuss the…

Impact of the pandemic on mental health

COVID has had a strong impact on our mental health, but it has been particularly hard on young people with mental illness and/or autism spectrum disorders, in many cases increasing their levels of stress, anxiety and depression. With Storyliving we…