Tag research

Challenges to MIL in Germany

To effectively enhance digital literacy in Germany’s educational system, addressing several identified challenges is paramount: Resource Allocation: Ensuring equitable access to digital tools remains a challenge across schools. Disparities in funding and infrastructure hinder some institutions from providing essential resources…

Current trends of MIL education in Germany

There appears to be a broad consensus among ordinary people and experts on the importance of adopting fake news as a mandatory content in a specific subject (e.g., politics, social studies, or civics). Experts agree that there is an urgent…

Two surveys on Kindergarten education in Germany

A survey was carried out to identify the most pressing challenges in the kindergarten system (Dr. Kemper, Thomas; Colbasevici, Liubovi; Espenhorst, Niels. Kita-Bericht 2022 des Paritätischen Gesamtverbandes. Der Paritätische Gesamtverband. Berlin. Juni 2022). In most municipalities, a clear lack of…

EVERGREEN: Transnational Research Results

The everGREEN team conducted a research with the aim of mapping current European trends in greening the VET sector. The research report is based on the information collected by project partners in their national contexts in Belgium, France, Germany, Greece,…

Research on the use of ecotherapy

The consortium is currently conducting research activities in each partner country. The aim is to explore the extent to which ecotherapy is part of the training programmes for trainers and educators. Each partner will collect existing initiatives and training programmes…

What are YOUR top 3 factors that make an NGO effective?

Among 29 attributes that leaders identified in peer organizations that they regarded as particularly effective, leaders stressed: instantiation of sound principles or strategy a grass-roots approach, large organisational size and resources, being collaborative, singleness of focus, campaigning abilities, funding and…