Tag Piloting

I-CARE – Piloting phase ahead

The I-CARE consortium is happy to announce that the I-CARE is ready to be piloted. The I-CARE Toolbox contains a range of learning modules and training materials designed to support the development of Intercultural Communication Competences in Professionals working in…

I-CARE – Training development

The project team is currently developing the I-CARE training offer addressing trainers who provide training to people working in the social and healthcare sector, on the one hand, and a learning App addressing employees in the social and healthcare sector,…

VIM Meeting in Vienna

The VIM partners met in Vienna on 05. and worked on the development of the health related training units and activities. These will be provided on the VIM Hub for download and can be used by European adult educators that…


After the successfull pilotings and a project meeting in Budapest, the busy period of finalising the RIVER products started with discussions about content, improvements and wording. Before summer most of the material must be ready for translation. To have some…