Tag partner meeting

I-CARE Kick-off in January

In the last days of January we met for the first meeting of the project I-CARE. I-CARE stands for Intercultural Care in the Social and Healthcare Sector and aims to promote intercultural skills of care workers to ease their interaction…

PRACTICE – Kick-off Meeting

The PRACTICE project – Preventing Radicalism through Critical Thinking Competences aims to develop EU-wide continuing professional development (CPD) programme for teachers focussing on promotion of social, civic and intercultural competences and critical thinking of secondary school students. PRACTICE addresses current…

VIM – Kick-off Meeting

On 11. December 2017 the VIM partners met in Göttingen for the kick-off meeting. The main purpose of the meeting was to get to know to each other and to plan in detail the first project activities. The partners discussed…

EMPROVE – Partner meeting in Vienna

During our partner meeting in Vienna in May 2017 we brainstormed all relevant learning topics that should be part of our training addressing survivors of domestic violence who have left their violent partnership and who want to lead an independant…

EELLSS partner meeting in Pisa

In May the EELLSS partners met in Pisa. The main aim was to exchange on the state of affairs in the ongoing learning projects in the partners schools and on drafting the programme for the final event that will take…

EELLSS – partner meeting in Tilburg

EELLSS partners held their next meeting in Tilburg, Netherlands. During the meeting, current developments and challenges in the field of soil science research were discussed. Partners presented their expertise and ideas  on how to generate different didactical frameworks on soil…

EILEEN team meets in Madrid

Hola, EILEEN! On 03. the EILEEN project team met in Madrid and spent two intensive working days in the premises of CECE. The focus was on the finalisation of the trainining modules for enhancing intercultural learning in enterprises and among…

VALLEY partner meeting in Göttingen

In early May the VALLEY (Validation System in Lifelong Learning Experiences of Youth Volunteering) partners came together in Göttingen to set up the plan for putting the goals of VALLEY into practice. The first steps focus on assessing the field…

GREEEN 3rd transnational partner meeting

Today is the second day of the 3rd international meeting from GREEEN network in Ankara. The focus is on the development of the GREEEN guide for climate change education, the GREEEN award and the implementation of a training day. More…