Tag mobility

SASSI LLC – Job Shadowing

Job shadowing is an effective form of job training for specific jobs. Job shadowing enables an employee to acquire a comprehensive knowledge of what an employee who has a particular job does everyday. This type of learning is usually used…

SASSI LLC – Internships

Internships are opportunities offered by an employer to potential employees, called interns, to work at a firm for a fixed period of time. They are typically undertaken by people looking to gain relevant skills and experience in a particular field.…

SASSI LLC – Kick-off

The SASSI LLC project kick -off meeting took place in Göttingen in a hybrid form. The project builds upon the SASSI and SASSI-Working On, and introduces a new member into the partnership – CATRO Bulgaria, who will lend their valuable…

SASSI – Learning projects

Currently, all partners are implementing a learning project related to any of the course topics to apply in practice the newly aquired knowledge … and maybe to bring about change in the corporate culture. Currently, in BUPNET we look at…

INTENT – Job shadowing in London

Jobshadowing in London – Schülerförderung mal anders Im Rahmen unseres KA1 Projekte INTENT hatte ich die Möglichkeit ein 2,5 wöchiges Jobshadowing bei einer spannenden gemeinnützigen Organisation in London. Jobshadowing bedeutet, dass ich den Kollegen dort über die Schulter geschaut habe…

INTENT – Job shadowing in England

Für meine Arbeit in den EU-Projekten wollte ich unbedingt meine Englischkenntnisse aufbessern, und was liegt näher, als dies in England zu tun? Da kam mir die Möglichkeit gerade Recht, im Rahmen von Projekt INTENT ein dreiwöchiges Job Shadowing bei unserer…

INTENT – O-tones

One of our staff members, S., 52-years old, female, went for 3,5 weeks to the Marseille-based Eurocircle Association that is an organisation that has been working in the field of youth international mobility, non-formal education, intercultural dialogue, social and professional…

INTENT – BUPNET staff goes Europe

BUPNET was successful in applying for funds for their continous professional develpoment of their staff. The KA1 project entitled INTENT – Intercultural competences and development for new target groups is funded within the framework of the EU Erasmus+ education programme…

PROMOTE – Kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting of PROMOTE took place in February 2015, hosted at Alden Biesen Castle and Cultural Centre, in Belgium. The meeting was organised in synergy with another Erasmus+ project, IMPACT, and the training course organised by the project PROVIDE.…