Tag kindergarten education

What is Green Entrepreneurship?

What is one of the first things that springs to mind when speaking about protecting the environment at the kindergarten? Recycling of the trash. This is a good example of the reactive approach – the problem is already there, and…

What is environmental sustainability?

Environmental sustainability refers to making thoughtful choices and taking actions that protect the delicate balance of nature. It involves making responsible decisions to ensure that our actions do not harm the environment, so that nature can continue to thrive and…

Sustainability and Early Education

The urgency of global climate change requires the redefinition of interdisciplinary educational goals and contents in school curricula related to green entrepreneurship education and sustainable development. Using the framework of the UN’s goals for sustainable development (SDGs), the Green GUARDens…

Haus der Kleinen Forscher

“Haus der Kleinen Forscher” (“House of little Scientists”) is an educational initiative, nationally funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, in line with the United Nations Decade “Education for Sustainable Development” (BNE), It is a comprehensive educational…

Two surveys on Kindergarten education in Germany

A survey was carried out to identify the most pressing challenges in the kindergarten system (Dr. Kemper, Thomas; Colbasevici, Liubovi; Espenhorst, Niels. Kita-Bericht 2022 des Paritätischen Gesamtverbandes. Der Paritätische Gesamtverband. Berlin. Juni 2022). In most municipalities, a clear lack of…