Tag Final conference

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GINCO final conference

Grundtvig International Network of Course Organisers organises its final conference in Leuven, Belgium on 11/12 September 2014. All costs covered. The GINCO consortium invites all people who are interested in learning more about approaches, methods and materials developed in the…

EDUCCKATE proved to be successful!

The final conference of the EDUCCKATE  project that was held in Athens on the 8th of July 2014 gathered almost 200 cultural and creative entrepreneurs – the idea seems to be raising more and more interest.


VITA Final Conference in Dublin

The final conference of the VITA project was honoured by the presence of the Minister of State for Training and Skills. It was hosted by the Irish partner AONTAS, the National Adult Learning Organisation and took place in All Hallows…

La VITA è bella – award ceremony in Dublin

In May 2013, the VITA consortium launched the European Award “La VITA è bella” – an award for innovative practice and initiatives on validating competences in informal and non-formal learning in Europe. The consortium wanted to find out in how…

RIVER Final conference

Final conference of the EU-project RIVER Following the demographic trend and the increasing share of elderly people in the population, it gets more and more important to create opportunities for the active participation of seniors in society.  The contribution of…


After the successfull pilotings and a project meeting in Budapest, the busy period of finalising the RIVER products started with discussions about content, improvements and wording. Before summer most of the material must be ready for translation. To have some…