Tag Final conference

GREEEN – Award ceremony in Kassel

The three winning teams were invited to the 2-day GREEEN event that was hosted by the Landkreis Kassel, Germany. The prize of the competition was actually the trip to Kassel. In addition, we had a European award ceremony on Monday,…

GREEEN – And the awards goes to …

In the second GREEEN award the task was to describe projects or ideas that would illustrate actions, their key outcomes, and their success in meeting the climate change challenge locally. From the more than 50 submitted projects the European jury…

And the award goes to …

Life is beautiful – This was again the motto of this third edition of our European award La VITA è bella!. The six lucky winners were celebrated during the 7th REVEAL conference in Thessaloniki on 22.

And the EILEEN award goes to …

On 09.09.16 during the final conference in Athens the winners of the EILEEN award were celebrated and presented their trophies and certificates. The main prize of the award was the trip to the final conference. The winners were given the…

EILEEN – Evaluation of award projects

Currently,  the EILEEN award jury is making a pre-selection from the more than 50 projects,  initiatives and ideas that have been submitted from all over Europe. At the end of this week the most promising candidates will be informed –…

GREEEN – Final conference in Kassel, Germany

The GREEEN network is organising its final conference on 10.10.2016 in Kassel, Germany. The conference will offer insights in the GREEEN network activities and its main outputs. We will also have a series of workshop addressing climate change related topics.…

EILEEN – Final conference in Athens

The EILEEN consortium is organising its final conference on 09.09.2016 in Athens. The conference will offer a platform to present all main outcomes of the project and to discuss changes and challenges of intercultural teams in European enterprises. In various…

THREE C – Multiplier Event in Porto

On June 6 2016, the consortium of Three C organised a  very successful multiplier event in Porto, hosted by the Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique. Around 100 participants from six European countries shared  their experiences and ideas on circular economy…

PROVIDE – Conference proceedings and O-tones

The conference proceedings from the final conference of the PROVIDE project are available now on the project website. The conference “Competence based learning and validation of learning outcomes in innovative informal and non-formal learning projects” gathered experts from all educational…

And the award goes to …

Life is beautiful – this was the motto of the second European VITA award launched in the framework of the EU-project PROVIDE funded in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme.

Final Conference COMBINE

On 09.09.2015 the COMBINE team will carry out its final conference in Chesire, UK (close to Manchester Airport – 15 min. by train). The focus of the conference will be on presenting the outcomes and findings of the COMBINE project.…

PROVIDE Final conference – Register now

Competence based learning and validation of learning outcomes innovative informal and non-formal learning projects – This is the topic of the final conference organised by the PROVIDE team. The conference takes place in Mechelen, Belgium. Start: 17.09.2015 at 12:00 h…