SUPPORT Me – Validation of competences

The partnership has researched existing methods and tools to validate competences of our target groups. There is a lot that has been developed in various projects and at European level. Now it’s a matter of looking at what fits best with our target groups and what we can use or adapt.

We in BUPNET can look back on a wide range of experience in this area and contribute our LEVEL5 approach.This has already been successfully tested in different areas with different target groups and so we can certainly benefit from it here as well. After research and discussion, the consortium agreed to look in particular at ten competences for validation that are important for social and professional integration.
However, it is also important that we first sensitise trainers and volunteers to the fact that validation is beneficial for them as well as for their learners.

This means that it will now be a question of, on the one hand, describing the competences in order to create a basis for training and validation, providing tools and methods for validation, and, on the other hand, developing materials that provide trainers with information on validation and sensitise them to the topic.