SLACC Newsletter #2: Unleash the Power of Climate Ambassadors!

📢 Exciting news! The second SLACC newsletter is here! 📰 Discover how we’re empowering climate ambassadors to combat climate myths and misinformation. Download your copy now! ➡️

🎓 Train to be a ‘climate ambassador’! Our recent Palermo training course equipped 20 youth workers, teachers, and trainers with the competencies to tackle climate misinformation. 📚

📱 Check out our gamified mobile app! Learn about climate change while challenging friends in a fun way. 🌐

💻 Explore our online platform! Free access to quizzes, activities, and more, coming soon in multiple languages! 🌈

📍 Become part of the SLACC mission! Visit slacc-project.eu to find out how you can make a difference. 🚀