SASSI – Working on – Kick-off meeting

On 20./21. September 2018  the SASSI consortium met in Loughborough, UK, for the first partner meeting. The meeting aimed to set the ground for the future project develoment works. As SASSI – Working on is a follow-up project of the SASSI project the purpose of this meeting was also to analyse the elements that can be built on and those that will have to be developed anew.
SASSI-Working on aims at exploiting the innovation expressed in the previous project in terms of age-sensitive training to create innovative later career guidance methodologies.

As a first step the partners agreed to review the National and Comparative Needs Analysis Reports produced in the SASSI project, and to undertake targeted research to gain a more detailed understanding of the situation for Career Guidance/Career Management for older people in each country. Also it seems necessary to gather data on approaches and programmes that are put in place in the partner countries in order to find ways for coping with the increasing retirement age, as this is no longer something which can be ignored.