The PROVIDE partners met for a two-day meeting in rainy Bordeaux, France. The main aim was to discuss and fix the next steps. These are: the online survey to gather information on the needs in terms of competences of educational professionals in the VET sector, the interviews that shall substantiate the findings from the survey and the validation system. The online survey will be launched in early June. We will inform you also here on where to access it and subsequently on its results.
The highlight was certainly the dissemination event that was organised by the French partner Aquitaine Cap Métiers. It gathered representatives of stakeholders in the VET sector. After a common buffet lunch with good French food and a lot of interesting and inspiring talks the general frame of PROVIDE was presented to the audience. In times of ever increasing challenges in the educational fields that VET professionals are confronted with, PROVIDE intends to support professionals in their continious professional development by providing them with tools and instruments to
enhance their self-directed competences based learning. The trainig course that will be held in early 2015 for professionals in the field will make participants familiar with these tools and enable them to use them for themselves. Also they shall teach their colleagues on how to use them.
The French participants showed a particular interest in the validation system that is part of the competence based learning approach. It is based on the LEVEL5 approach and will be adapted to the project requirements, the competences for VET professionals that is.