CLIMES LogoCLIMES – Climate friendly management in European Schools

Introducing climate change mitigation and adaption and promoting key competencies

  • Creating an overview of the current situation in curricular and extracurricular activities as far as climate change is concerned in the participating member states;
  • Increasing the attractiveness of schools by introducing innovative didactic approaches and innovative contents (climate management);
  • Developing and piloting the CLIMES Management System for climate change mitigation and adaptation;
  • Improving social and civic competences of European pupils;
  • Reducing the “climate footprint” in European schools;
  • Organising a European school competition: Our road to a climate friendly school.
  • Eight partner organisations from six European countries
  • Project coordination: District Kassel and BUPNET GmbH
  • Funded by the European Lifelong Learning Programme Comenius
  • Duration: 01/11 – 12/12

Further information: www.climes.eu