BUPNET EU Department

News from our European Projects, Activities & Events

As the EU department of BUPNET, we actively participate in European projects within the framework of various EU funding programmes as either coordinator or partner.
These projects are mainly concerned with the development and testing of innovative products, but also with the cross-border exchange of experience and know-how transfer as well as the networking of activities and institutions. The broad range of topics includes education, employment, social affairs, health, culture, integration, regional development, justice, research & development and environment & energy.

Latest News

Find all our posts on the News page. 

 What do you know about EU laws? What do you want to know? The Understanding EU project is conducting a survey to find out how citizens experience and perceive EU …

We’re delighted to announce the MILES International Workshop for Trainers and Teachers, to be held in January 2025! This event will be a cornerstone of our mission to empower educators …

In December, the city of Palermo was the venue for our first UPSPACE Partner Meeting – a momentous occasion that set the tone for our journey towards a more sustainable …

Did you take part in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) programme in 2024? Then take your chance now and apply for the EYE Entrepreneur Award 2025! The EYE programme …

A key milestone in the MILES project is the creation and refinement of training materials to combat disinformation in education. This effort is based on a dual approach: analysing existing …

Newsletter 6

Read the final newsletter of the GreenGuardens project, where we review the final conference: GG Newsletter Vol 6 – EN (1)