VALLEY – 2nd partner meeting in Palermo
On 18. November 2015 the VALLEY partners met for the second transnational meeting in Palermo. The meeting was dedicated to drawing conclusions from the previous research and stocktaking phase as…
On 18. November 2015 the VALLEY partners met for the second transnational meeting in Palermo. The meeting was dedicated to drawing conclusions from the previous research and stocktaking phase as…
On 11. the SASSI consortium met in Matosinhos, Portugal for the first partner meeting. The meeting aimed to set the ground for the future project develoment works. SASSI aims to…
International Year of the Soils (IYS) in 2015 Aiming to make soil science an attractive topic in European schools both for teachers and for the students and interlink natural sciences…
Please have a look at the first newsletter of Story Regions, describing our approach and the steps to take next. It is available in German and English.
The PACE project is coming to an end and it will leave as heritage a Community of Practice for European project actors. The Community meets via the PACE interactive learning…
SASSI stands for Silver Age, Silver SAge Initiative and is a new EU-funded project in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. SASSI aims to support age-sensitive approaches to continuous professional…
After the success of the first BarCamp organized in November 2014, PACE organized in Florence, Italy, the second BarCamp for European Project Managers to share experiences and ideas through an…
PROMOTE project has just reached its first important milestone: the completion of comprehensive stocktaking activities based on a desk research, online questionnaires and expert interviews.The desk research has been combined…
Fontys University, partner in the Three C project, has developed a so called ‘ 9-step didactic approach’ to help teachers develop teaching materials on topics related to circular economy. This…
After a nice partner meeting in the historic castle of Alden Biesen, where one of the IMPACT partners is located, the partnership used the occasion to jointly participate in the…
The conference proceedings from the final conference of the PROVIDE project are available now on the project website. The conference “Competence based learning and validation of learning outcomes in innovative…
Life is beautiful – this was the motto of the second European VITA award launched in the framework of the EU-project PROVIDE funded in the framework of the Lifelong Learning…
Silver Age Silver Sage – SASSI – is a new project funded in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme that started on 01.09.2015. Silver agers or best agers or the…
The conference proceedings of the final conference carried out on 09.09.2015 in Cheshire, UK, are now available. Please visit the the project website to view all presentations.
Our first newsletter is out. It gives an overview about what VALLEY intends to achieve and what has happend so far since the project started in March. You can open…