The final conference on 19.09.2018 in Dublin was a great event. There were at least 70 external guests representing many different help and support centres in the field of domestic violence as well as training providers and the police.
The conference was a great opportunity to celebrate the successful project and gave room for presenting the outputs .The summarised findings of the research phase “A picture of Domestic Violence in Europe and Beyond” were presented as an opener to the conference.
It was followed by the presentation of the First Aid Manual that gives very concise information on e.g. signs, forms, dynamics of domestic violence, risk assessment and safety tips… .
Besides experiences from the pioting project the gamification platform was presented – and was very positively received.
Also LEVEL5 – our validation tool – and its use in EMPROVE was presented. It felt initially a bit strange to present it there but the benefits of it were obvious in this context as it was applied to evaluate and visualise specific competencies acquired through learning on the Emprove Platform – it thus added to the positive learning experience!