EILEEN – Results of needs analysis

eileen_sign_skew_greenEILEEN has successfully concluded the first big task and finished the EILEEN study on intercultural competences that was carried out to obtain a detailed view of interculturality in the workplace throughout Europe. The perceptions, interest and available tools regarding interculturality were investigated in a total of nine participating countries. Subsequently, a quantitative questionnaire gave insight into the perceptions in each of the regions concerning the intercultural momentum, i.e. the perception of the own behavioural pattern as well as of those from other regions we meet in professional practices.

Finally, the intercultural competences deemed important to deal with people from other cultures were identified for each of the European regions. These results were more deeply investigated through qualitative interviews carried out with 12-15 CEO’s, HR professionals or team/project leaders in each country. This gave a better insight into why certain intercultural statements were chosen and what the perceived benefits of
intercultural competences for the companies are. All together these will help EILEEN partners identify training needs and develop appropriate and relevant training modules.

You can find the summary of the report in our second newsletter and the full report on our project website.