DigiArts Kickoff: December 2021 Sparks Digital Creativity

As we welcomed December 2021, a new and innovative venture, the DigiArts project, embarked on its journey to reshape the landscape of youth engagement and social inclusion. Rooted in the powerful combination of Restorative Justice principles and the transformative force of the Arts, DigiArts emerged as a beacon of creativity and collaboration within the European youth and youth worker community.

The project’s inception marked the beginning of a unique initiative dedicated to addressing the challenges of “interrupted” conversations among young individuals. With a vision to create a high-quality digital platform, DigiArts aimed to foster meaningful dialogue, cooperative efforts, and mutual support among youth advocates. The focus on an innovative digital approach reflected the project’s commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements for the benefit of the youth it serves.

Now, with the project officially underway, the DigiArts team is poised to make a lasting impact in the realms of youth engagement and social inclusion.