Decoding DBCL: Navigating the Five Phases of Innovation

At the core of the COOL project lies the innovative DBCL approach — Design-Based Collaborative Learning — an integral framework aimed at bolstering the education and training of marginalized groups, transforming them into dynamic social innovators ready to confront the challenges of our contemporary society. The DBCL approach unfolds in five transformative phases:

  1. Empathy: Cultivating a profound understanding of the needs of the target group, fostering a deep connection with the learner’s experience, and recognizing the unique challenges they face.

  2. Challenge Identification: pinpointing the key challenges or problems learners must overcome to achieve their goals.

  3. Ideation: Collaboratively crafting ideas, communication methods, training plans, or tools to empower learners in overcoming identified challenges.

  4. Prototyping: Developing tangible prototypes or shared tools that bring to life the ideas generated during the ideation phase.

  5. Testing: Implementing and rigorously testing the prototypes to assess their effectiveness, collecting valuable feedback for continuous improvement.

At the upcoming training course in Bordeaux, participants will be immersed in the intricacies of these five phases, putting the DBCL approach into action through engaging projects. They will collaboratively design innovative prototypes and tools, slated to be featured in the COOL exhibition — an amalgamation of real and virtual elements presenting their groundbreaking ideas to a wider audience.