Critical Balance – What are the “rules” of critical thinking?

According to studies on the functioning of the human brain, psychology distinguishes between two levels of human brain activity — fast and slow-thinking mind systems.

  1. The first level is automatic, fast, emotion- and intuition-based.
  2. A second level of thinking requires effort. It’s rethought, slow, and based on logic and analysis.

It is in second-level thinking we connect the dots and think about the positive and negative consequences of a decision or consider a statement carefully before we agree or disagree. The first level of thinking is unconscious and automatic. However, the two levels can’t be separated from one another. The first level may influence the second analysis process. On the other hand, by connecting second-level thinking, we are able to overcome the impulses that come from first-level thinking mechanisms. The second level of thinking is the one that we have to develop to be a critical thinker.

Want to find out more? Read the Critical Balance e-book for youth workers on critical thinking and conspiracy theories!