Critical Balance – Popular Conspiracy Theories Among Young People in Europe

The Critical Balance Conspiracy Map is now available. Have a sneak preview into the most popular conspiracy theories among young people in Europe:

9/11: Based on this tragedy, we can distinguish two versions: 1. Claims that they were not  a plan by Osama Bin Laden,  but were actually orchestrated by very powerful Americans or  Arabs. 2. The US government was either complicit in, or, at  least, informed of 9/11 in advance.

CoVid-19 – Regarding to pandemic was different information, the   most popular is: 1.Tthe disease might not even be real 2. Covid was artificially created  in the laboratory. The pandemic was planned ahead, carried out as a plot   to strip us from our rights.

5G – Believers is this theory consider 5G to be dangerous radiation which can control their minds. The existence of radiation is a known fact, but in reality its level is too small to be harmful. The trust in all the system is low, so the 5G conspiracy people are seeing this technology as a part of the government’s plans to eradicate the people.

Climate changeA global warming conspiracy theory invokes claims that the scientific consensus on global warming is based on conspiracies to produce manipulated data or suppress dissent

Anti-Feminist agenda – Believing that feminism is not relevant and is created by groups in power to distract attention from the “real problems”. According to this view, a feminist power structure is systematically taking away power of men, especially if they are white, heterosexual and right- leaning.

Anti-vaccination movement – Claims that therapy methods are deliberately hidden to keep the virus from spreading and to harm as many people as possible.

Flat Earth – The Flat Earth Theory is a belief that the earth is flat, rather than spherical, and that it is surrounded by a wall or dome.

Russo-Ukrainian war – This has fostered the idea that Ukraine has been acting as a puppet for the western elites, and that the existential threat that Russia is concerned about is indeed real, and therefore they have the right to fight for their own survival.

The global financial – Popular theories suggest that certain Anglo-Saxon interests are behind the global financial crisis in 2008 or that Germany planned it all so as to extend her power in Europe. Some nationalist and populist forces go as far to envision a post-bailout Europe in which sovereign states are dissolved and a European super state and new world order created.

Big Pharma – these conspiracy theories which claim that the medical community in general and pharmaceutical companies in particular, operate for sinister purposes and against the public good, that they conceal effective treatments, or even cause and worsen a wide range of diseases for the purpose of profitability.