Critical Balance – More piloting feedback

Here is some more participant feedback form the piloting:

  • I particularly enjoyed the interactive nature of the activity. It was really interesting to collaborate with the others and discuss different perspectives. I also found it exciting how we raised challenging questions through the research, sharpening our critical thinking.
  • I found the variety of conspiracy theories discussed particularly fascinating. It was interesting to see how different perspectives can be and how we worked together to analyze different arguments. I also loved how we improved our critical thinking and research skills.
  • I particularly liked how we were able to discuss different views during the activity. It was interesting to see how different opinions clashed and how we tried to support our points of view with facts. The opportunity to address and critically question controversial issues made the discussion lively and educational.
  • I particularly liked how we were able to do our own research and present our arguments. It was fun to hear different perspectives and see how the discussion developed.
  • My favorite part was how we really applied our critical thinking skills. It was exciting to see how we analyzed different sources of information and presented our arguments. I found the diversity of viewpoints and the opportunity to discuss different perspectives particularly exciting.