Critical Balance – How to avoid falling into the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories

There are many reasons for starting to believe in conspiracy theories. As we have seen some people may even be predisposed to this by being part of certain groups or having lived through certain experiences. Some conspiracy theories may match their already existing outlook, ideology, religion, or political views. And we have also covered the fact that belief in one theory may cross pollinate into belief in other theories, and each time with less and less effort to assess the accuracy of each theory.

Being able and willing to sustain one sense of critical thinking is therefore of the utmost importance. But this is not meant as reading as much about the subject as possible, but instead reading as many different sources and opinions about it as possible. By reading different viewpoints and still keeping an open mind it is more likely that one is not caught in an information bubble, and that the sceptical common sense is kept alive.

Want to find out more? Read the Critical Balance e-book for youth workers on critical thinking and conspiracy theories!