Category SASSI LLC

SASSI LLC – Questions for Debriefing

Could you share the mobility programme you participated in? Could you describe a highlight of your mobility experience? What are the main challenges you had to deal with? What skills or competences did you acquire? How will the mobility experience…

SASSI LLC – Volunteering

Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity where an individual or a group provides services for no financial or social gain “to benefit another person, group or organisation”. Volunteering benefits also the volunteer and can be means to discover new(social)…

SASSI LLC – Project-based Work

Project work is a type of job rotation. In this process, employees are assigned other tasks on a specific project for a defined period of time(coinciding with the duration of the project – usually up to 2 years). Pros: •…

SASSI LLC – Secondments

A secondment (sometimes referred to as a “job rotation”) is a chance for an employee to temporarily work on a different team within their organization, or in some cases, for a different organization entirely(possibly in a different country too). Think…

SASSI LLC – Sabbaticals

Traditionally, a sabbatical is a period of paid or unpaid leave that is granted to an employee so that they may study or travel. This type of time off is common in higher education settings and in larger organisations, and…

SASSI LLC – Swapping

Swapping work is a type of job rotation. A role change takes place in which the employees take over each other’s tasks. Swapping can take place within one company, but also between different (noncompetitive) companies. It is limited in time.…

SASSI LLC – Job Rotation

Job rotation is a strategy where employees rotate between jobs in the same company. Employees take on new tasks at a different job for a period of time before rotating back to their original position. With a job rotation system,…