REST – 26 months in a nutshell
Our REST project comes to an end. We can look back on a busy, eventful and, above all, successful time. Read about our achievements in our fourth newsletter!
Our REST project comes to an end. We can look back on a busy, eventful and, above all, successful time. Read about our achievements in our fourth newsletter!
Get an impression how our REST project supported companies and refugees in Vienna, Austria in the process of labour market integration of refugees. For English subtitles please activate the subtitles on vimeo. Therefore click on the ‘CC’ symbol in the…
In the past months, the project partners piloted the REST training courses in six European countries covering legal and administrative aspects of refugees’ and migrants’ employment, strategies to support their inclusion in the workplace and management of international work teams.…
Learn more about our first success story from Palermo! For English subtitles please activate the subtitles on youtube. Therefore click on the subtitle button below the video.
The REST label recognises organisations that promote an inclusive working climate and diversity at the workplace. Does your organisation employ a refugee or a person with migration background and promotes diversity and an inclusive working climate? Let your stakeholders know…
Do you want to know what`s new in the REST project and get a clearer picture of our training measures and how to participate? Make sure that you do read our third newsletter!
The REST team is offering six different face-to-face workshops for enterprises to assist the job integration of refugees. The workshops are offered in six European regions during summer and autumn 2018: Athens, Greece Kassel, Germany Palermo, Italy Roubaix,…
You want to see the results of our REST stocktaking phase at one glance? Check out our second newsletter!
On 31.08.17 the Landkreis Kassel invited representatives of regional enterprises for an after-work event, where the REST idea was presented and discussed. The CEO of on regional enterprise gave an interesting insight on how he succeeded in overcoming initital challenges…
REST (Refugee Employment Support and Training) is a European project aiming at enhancing competences in enterprises and organisations to employ and to successfully interact with refugees. REST intends to support employers, human resources managers, in-company trainers and supervisors when it…
If you are interested in the free of charge REST support, coaching and training that will be offered in spring 2018 register to our REST community to receive further information.
… when employing refugees? The partnership is currrently trying to find answers to this and other questions. For this purpose an online survey was set up and a series of interviews will be conducted with enterprises in all partner regions.…