Quote of the month
Again a new quote of the month. Enjoy autumn!
Again a new quote of the month. Enjoy autumn!
At the moment we are busy with finalising products and planning further steps for the second half of the year. Furthermore we are looking forward to the publication of the selection results of the EACEA call 2013. July finally brings…
June is always a month full of project meetings and a lot of deadlines before summer arrives and calms down our schedules a bit.We keep you updated. As usual find here the PDF to download our Quote of the month…
May is one of the most beautiful month. Here in Germany lilac and canola is starting to blossom and also the apple trees. Have a nice and sunny spring. Find the printable greeting card of the quote of the month…
Please find the PDF-Greeting card here: 04_13 Forbes
March started here in Germany with a first idea of spring as we have 14 degrees and sunshine. We are busy with different piloting activities and partner meetings all over Europe. You can print the Quote of the Month as…
To continue our just established new category find here the quote of the month February. After finalising the applications for the new call, reports have to be finished and meetings (online and face to face) must be prepared. We keep…
As January is a pretty busy period – proposals and reports have to be written and a lot of things have either to be finalised or started – it is a bit quiet here, but news from the different projects…