And the award goes to …
Life is beautiful – This was again the motto of this third edition of our European award La VITA è bella!. The six lucky winners were celebrated during the 7th REVEAL conference in Thessaloniki on 22.
Life is beautiful – This was again the motto of this third edition of our European award La VITA è bella!. The six lucky winners were celebrated during the 7th REVEAL conference in Thessaloniki on 22.
Thursday 22 September 2016 to Friday 23 September 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece The 7th conference on Competence Oriented Learning and Validation of non-formal and informal learning (VINFL) will be carried out on 22nd and 23rd of September 2016. After the 10-years…
In the early days of March 2016 the IMPACT training course was held in the wonderful premises of the Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologica do Mar in Peniche, which is a branch of the Instituto Polytecnico de Leiria, on…
After a nice partner meeting in the historic castle of Alden Biesen, where one of the IMPACT partners is located, the partnership used the occasion to jointly participate in the 6th European conference of the REVEAL Network, which represents Validation…
More than 250 professionals from different fields of education across Europe have taken part in the IMPACT survey and answered the questions. in addition partners carried out desk researches on the state of implementation of ECVET in their countries and…
IMPACT is a research and development project that analyses web-supported learning and teaching in connection with the validation of learning outcomes. It aims at understanding how educational professionals use web-based learning environments and Open Educational Resources (OER) as well as…