I-CARE – Final conference
The partners were able to meet in person for the first time in a long time – and were able to present the products of I-CARE at the final conference in Athens with more than 80 guests and at the…
The partners were able to meet in person for the first time in a long time – and were able to present the products of I-CARE at the final conference in Athens with more than 80 guests and at the…
The I-CARE App provides mobile access to a range of learning materials and helpful information designed to help people working in the sector to be more informed and to learn ‘wherever and whenever’. You can download the app using the…
Wir möchten Sie ganz herzlich einladen am 10.2.2022 von 10-15:30 Uhr am Webinar “Kultursensible Pflege und Betreuung im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen – Module aus dem EU-Projekt I-Care in Ausbildungsinhalte integrieren” teilzunehmen. Frau Dr. Leena Ferogh wird die Veranstaltung zusammen mit…
It’s done! After extensive development and testing, we have now put our multilingual I-CARE Toolbox online. It contains 10 learning modules on all relevant topics that arise in the context of culturally sensitive care and support in the social and…
Einladung zu unseren Bildungshäppchen zum Feierabend am 25.11.2021 um 16.30 – 19.30 zum Thema Kulturelle Diversität im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen: Essen, Trinken, Feiern & Fasten Die Bildungshäppchen sind ein Format, mit dem wir aktuelle Themen und Trends in der europäischen…
The I-CARE consortium is happy to announce that the I-CARE is ready to be piloted. The I-CARE Toolbox contains a range of learning modules and training materials designed to support the development of Intercultural Communication Competences in Professionals working in…
The project team is currently developing the I-CARE training offer addressing trainers who provide training to people working in the social and healthcare sector, on the one hand, and a learning App addressing employees in the social and healthcare sector,…
The I-Care consortium developed a set of actions sheets aimed to provide practical tips to overcome tricky situations in the social and healthcare situation in intercultural settings. Based on the many interviews carried out during the research phase the partnership…
The I-Care partners have completed their situation analysis in terms of identifying intercultural competences needed in the social and health sector, the difficulties faced by social and health workers in dealing with cultural diversity, and the main learning areas related…
In the last few months the project partners of the I-CARE project interviewed almost 80 professionals from the United Kingdom, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Italy and Greece. The purpose of these interviews was to find answers, among others, to the following…
The project partners are currently searching for interview partners that would be ready to share their experience and expertise in terms of intercultural care in the social and healthcare sector. Specifically, we are interested in finding out how the sitution…
In the last days of January we met for the first meeting of the project I-CARE. I-CARE stands for Intercultural Care in the Social and Healthcare Sector and aims to promote intercultural skills of care workers to ease their interaction…