COMBINE – conference proceedings now available
The conference proceedings of the final conference carried out on 09.09.2015 in Cheshire, UK, are now available. Please visit the the project website to view all presentations.
The conference proceedings of the final conference carried out on 09.09.2015 in Cheshire, UK, are now available. Please visit the the project website to view all presentations.
On 09.09.2015 the COMBINE team will carry out its final conference in Chesire, UK (close to Manchester Airport – 15 min. by train). The focus of the conference will be on presenting the outcomes and findings of the COMBINE project.…
First interregional conference of the PROGRASS network in Karlsruhe and Lake Constance, Germany in October 7-9, 2014. Registration extended to 30. September 2014. More information here.
The first European Conference of the PROGRASS network is organised by the projects DANUBENERGY and COMBINE. Here you can find the Preliminary Conference Programme.
Conrad is blue, large and takes a Mercedes lorry to pull him (him, her, it) and was specifically constructed to investigate the viability of using different kinds of crops (semi-natural grasslands, road side verges, rushes, bracken, gorse) which are often…
Converting organic matters from European urban and natural areas into storable bio-energy The energetic utilisation of biomass has an important role for the achievement of the ambitious aims of EU to increase the share of renewable energies. Against this background…