Care4Carers – What holds you back?



When it comes to creating a change in your life, it is important to know what are the factors that can hold you back. One of those are cognitive distortions – ways of thinking that anyone can experience and that cause people to perceive reality inaccurately. Some examples of cognitive distortions are:

  • Overgeneralisation: Applying one (negative) thing that happened to all other events.
  • Mental filters: The tendency to ignore positives in a situation and only to dwell on its negatives.
  • Personalisation: Taking things personally when they are not connected to you or are out of your control.
  • Labelling: Classifying yourself or others based on one event or one characteristic.
  • Polarisation: Thinking about yourself and others in a “black or white” or in an “all or nothing” way.
  • Control fallacies: Feeling responsible or in control for everything in your or other peoples’ lives or feeling that you have no control at all in your life.

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