Bridge the Digital Grey Divide – BG2D

BG2D LogoAfter a successful kick-off meeting in Udine, Italy the BG2D best practice project is now on its tracks for 2 years runtime.
“Enhance life skills to Bridge the Digital Grey Divide” is the complete title of this KA2 Erasmus+ founded program. Project lead has the italian partner Università delle LiberEtà del Fvg in Udine, Kärntner Volkshochschulen in Klagenfurt, Universidade Sénior in Évora, autonomous region Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Bupnet GmbH as Partners.

The project aims to increase the take-up of digital competences by low-skilled adults through new motivation strategies and didactic methodologies. In our experience, the most important obstacles that limit the engagement in digital learning are linked to missing life skills, so it is necessary to focus the attention on the best practices to enhance and exploit these skills to make the teaching of digital tools more effective.