

9 Greening Scenarios for VET Institutions

If VET organisations want to develop an institutional greening concept, they must first assess their current status and readiness level of their organisation. To this end, the everGREEN project team has developed a tool to assess the current status of…

eDialogue: Successful Training Course in Athens

eDialogue Logo

The eDialogue project training course took place in mid-January. The aim was to introduce the concept of open dialogue in schools developed in the project to support and empower teachers and educators in using digital tools and resources to increase…

Music educators wanted!

In the NEMO Project we are exploring the potential of minimal music to help with inclusion. To better understand the current situation, we are conducting a survey amongst music educators. If you are a music educator or know someone who…

Out now: everGREEN brochure

Please have a look at our brand new project brochure! Get more information on the project and feel free to use it to spread the news on our project! Download the English project brochure or check the download section for…

EVERGREEN: Transnational Research Results

The everGREEN team conducted a research with the aim of mapping current European trends in greening the VET sector. The research report is based on the information collected by project partners in their national contexts in Belgium, France, Germany, Greece,…

Progress Update: Advancing Towards Ecotherapy Integration

Today marked another milestone as the consortium convened online to deliberate on the project’s implementation and future strides. In the forthcoming weeks, we anticipate finalizing and disseminating the Guide for Therapy Centers and Vocational Training Institutions on Ecotherapy for Substance…

Final conference in Château de Goutelas

In December 2022, our French partner ACCR organised a conference with the theme “Heritage, diverse narratives: what place is given to the Other?” About 50 people working in the fields of culture, heritage, heritage communities and other related fields met…

Eco-Therapy: Newsletter #1

We are thrilled to present Eco-Therapy’s inaugural newsletter, delving into the incredible potential of ecotherapy for individuals with substance abuse disorders. Explore the innovative approach, the multitude of benefits, and the ongoing efforts to integrate ecotherapy into vocational training and…