Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

10 myths about climate change

Besides SLACC, there are of course other (well-known) organisations that are concerned about the climate myths and want to expose them. One of them is the WWF. The WWF has compiled ten lies on their website, which you can find…

CPD in Bordeaux coming soon

The COOL project will conduct a training course with 18 professionals from the partner institutions. The COOL course “Facilitators for Open Learning” will be held from 17.-20. October 2022 in Bordeaux. The programme is very varied and includes inputs on…

SLACC – Fact checking – how?

How to detect climate fake news and misinformation?   A few questions will help you fact-check, such as: Where did you find the news? Investigate the source. Who is the author of the story? Do a quick background check on…

European Conference – REVEAL 14 meets Climate Box

From 13 – 15 September 2022, Climate Box in cooperation with partners from other projects and initiatives organises the 14th REVEAL conference in Göttingen, Germany. Our motto is “Open Learning and Development Spaces for Sustainability and Community Development”. European projects…