Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

Businesses in the circular economy

In the first phase of the project, the partners explored how European entrepreneurs have integrated the circular economy into their businesses and collected examples from the partner countries. Watch our conversation with 12 entrepreneurs from 5 European countries to learn…

eDialogue – Results of piloting

eDialogue Logo

To test the dialogue blocks and the training platform, we invited ten educators from BUPNET and blinc, all of whom have experience in further education. They were introduced to the project, the goals and the idea of the training in…

Training event in Sofia

From 28-30 November we had our very interactive training week in Sofia, Bulgaria around the DigiArts method and approach with two representatives from each partner organisation. The training was hosted by our Bulgarian partner, Happiness Academy, who facilitated the programme…

Innovative MOOC for counsellors’ training

If this is your first time here – Welcome to the IMAGES project! Our name comes from “I Manage and Empower My Skills” which clearly describes our aims: to support managers of third sector not-for-profit organisations to identify their skills…

Competences validation for NGO managers

Validating your competences is not only about the certificate, but also about the absolute added value it brings – here is a quote from an NGO manager who has already participated in IMAGES and who has validated his competences. Interested…

Successful CPD in Bordeaux

The 18 participants achieved a lot in the four days in Bordeaux: after various inputs, they went through all the steps of Design-Based Thinking in fixed working groups. These included: – Describing the challenge for scenarios – Finding ideas for…