Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

Save the date – final conference

The StoryLiving project is coming to an end. The partnership invites you to its final hybrid event in Brussels – with some partners and guests on site and others connected online. The event entitled “Autism and Mental Health Disorders: Innovative…

Save the Date – Final conference

We are pleased to invite you to the Final Conference for the Critical Curation and Collaboration in Learning Erasmus+ project Cur8. This event will take place on 9 March 2023, 15:30-17:30 via Zoom online room We will talk about the development…

Webinar to kick off the training course

The SLACC training course is around the corner. On the 25th of January we will hold a webinar as an introduction to the 3-day face-to-face course in Palermo. During the webinar the SLACC course concept will be presented and the…

Storytelling course now online

As part of the Storyliving project, the course on the use of storytelling for those working with young people with mental health disorders was piloted with 119 Greek, Italian, German, Spanish and Macedonian psychologists, personal assistants, carers, teachers, therapists, special…

Cur8 Toolbox for Learning & Development Professionals

Interested in improving your technology-based support for lifelong learning, upskilling and reskilling? Check out the apps and tools in the Cur8 Toolbox! The Cur8 Toolbox offers learning and development professionals a searchable collection of recommended apps and tools to support…

DigiArts Newsletter 3

We are pleased to release the third newsletter in the project. In particular, it presents the manual on restorative justice for youth workers and gives impressions of the training week in Sofia. You can download the newsletter here. Find more…

Eco-Therapy – Guide coming soon

In the coming weeks we will be able to finalise and share with you the Guide for Therapy Centres and Vocational Training Institutions on the use of ecotherapy in the treatment of substance misuse disorders. The guide will include findings…

eDialogue – Training Activity in Athens

eDialogue Logo

After the completion of the training package for educators, we will test it in a three-day training with two representatives from each partner institution. In addition, we will collect specific experiences and practical examples so that future users will be…