Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

Transnational Meeting Update

Our team had a productive meeting to discuss the development of the SYnC online course and platform on circular economy entrepreneurship addressed to youth aiming to serve as an integrated and tailored course to equip them with knowledge and competences…

Partner meeting in Athens

On 1 and 2 June the Eco-Therapy partners met in Athens for the third partners’ meeting – due to some problems it was a hybrid meeting. Fortunately, we were able to work well together over the distance. We worked very…

Partner meeting in Cyprus

At the end of May the SAFE partners met for the third project meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus. This time the focus was on the next steps in the development of workshops for older learners. In addition to the training for…

SynC meets reveal15

The SynC project fits perfectly with the theme of our reveal15 event, which is entitled “Towards a circular sustainability culture”. We will organise numerous workshops on different aspects of the circular economy. SynC will be one of the projects that…

Final conference – Not yet registered?

You can still spontaneously join our Curious Curation International Multiplier Event and Final Conference tomorrow. Online, 9 March 2023, 15:30-17:30 CET To do so, please find below the link for participating! Meeting ID: 920 7401 4897 Passcode: 827707 The…

Final event – Register now!

The final event of the StoryLiving project is carried out in honour of World Autism Awareness Day on the 2nd of April. The StoryLiving consortium invites you to attend the final conference entitled “Autism and Mental Health Disorders: Innovative Initiatives…

Guide available

We are glad to announce that our Guide for therapy centres and vocational training institutions on ecotherapy for substance abuse disorders is now available. The Guide is based on the results of desk and field research carried out by the…

Training week in Palermo

The project aims to equip young people with critical thinking and communication skills to debunk fake news on climate change and prepare them to become climate ambassadors and defend our planet from destructive practices. To this end, the partners developed…