Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

La VITA è bella

VITA award for innovative practice and initiatives on validating competences in informal and non-formal learning in Europe VITA is a European GRUNDTVIG project funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme and deals with validating social, personal and…

GINCO Tools & Training

GINCO Tools & Training has launched a survey amongst Grundtvig in-service training (IST) course organisers as to define and prioritise the competences needed to organise a quality Grundtvig IST course. They were also asked to define their training needs. Based…

LBB – update

LBB and what the next step will be …     A nice wrap-up of what the LBB will have to work on within the next months.

GINCO’s successor

GINCO Tools & Training The GINCO team presents GINCO Tools & Training as a follow up project in response to the needs revealed in GINCO surveys and research. GINCO T&T is a Grundtvig Multilateral Project and aims:

This was 2012…

Impressions 2012

A year of European conferences, courses and meetings – this is the visual summary to it. You find more information on the projects, during which these pictures were taken in the categories: LEVEL5, REVEAL, VITA and VILMA.

CLIMES Award Ceremony in Stockholm

The CLIMES project finished with a wonderful two-day event in Stockholm, where all partner schools and the two award winning teams met in the hosting school, the Värmdö Gymnasium. The event was a very good ending to a project that…

VITA – 2nd Transnational Meeting in Paris


The second partner meeting took place in Paris in November 2012. In the two-day meeting the preceding stocktaking phase was summarised and the data of the online survey analysed. The stocktaking phase of the VITA project investigated the demands of…

And the award goes to…

Pupils of the age between 14 and 19 years as groups or classes living in the EU were invited to take part in the European CLIMES Award. The best project ideas were chosen and the winners are: