Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

Get Ready 2 Work – Study Visit in Vienna

Get Ready 2 Work aims to contribute to active employment of disadvantaged groups in the labour market in Bulgaria, i.e. young people (15-25) from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, who have failed to complete their education and/or vocational training. 50 young people…

GEP VET – Kick-off Meeting in Sofia

GEP VET stands for Grow Entrepreneurship Potential in vocational education and training. GEP VETS intends to promote entrepreneurial culture of socio-economically disadvantaged young participants of labour-market oriented VET programmes through adaptation, enlargement and transfer of the training course and handbook…

RIVER Final conference

On the 12th of November the final conference of the project RIVER took place in Vienna. Local, regional and international experts in the field of volunteering met in the beautiful premise of the Urania located directely at the Danube river.

RIVER Final Products

As the project RIVER is about to finish soon, the final products are now printed and available. So if you are interested in the results of this project, dealing with the recognition of the development of informally gained competences in…

PROVIDE approved

The BUPNET team is glad to communicate that the project PROVIDE was selected for funding. PROVIDE stands for PROmoting the Validation of Informal and Non-formal Learning and the Development of Key Competences for Professionals in Vocational Education. The professional development…

EDUCCKATE at the Designers’ Open in Leipzig

The EU-project EDUCCKATE was represented at the Designers’ Open (DO) in Leipzig on 25. and 26. Oktober 2013. The Designers’ Open is an internationally-oriented design exhibition with a communication forum and marketplace for the industry. The event displays the latest…

GINCO T&T – New course date

In July, we announced the GINCO T&T training course for December 2013. Due to uncertainties about the new EU programmes, the project team decided to postpone the course to February 17-22, 2014. Please mark this date in your calendar!

VITA Final Conference in Dublin


The final conference of the VITA project was honoured by the presence of the Minister of State for Training and Skills. It was hosted by the Irish partner AONTAS, the National Adult Learning Organisation and took place in All Hallows…

La VITA è bella – award ceremony in Dublin

In May 2013, the VITA consortium launched the European Award “La VITA è bella” – an award for innovative practice and initiatives on validating competences in informal and non-formal learning in Europe. The consortium wanted to find out in how…