Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

GEP VET – Online Befragung

Herzlichen Dank an die 22 TrainerInnen und an die 20 Lernenden, die unseren online Fragebogen ausgefüllt haben! In den drei Partnerländern haben insgesamt jeweils ca. 100 Menschen teilgenommen, so dass wir einige Rückschlüsse für die weitere Entwicklung unseres Bildungsangebots zur…

PROVIDE – Launch of Website

You look for more information on the PROVIDE project? Now you can visit our website and find more information on the project and its partners, activities and results. You find PROVIDE here: provide-eu.org

GREEEN – launch of website

The GREEEN network has also been launched virtually. The GREEEN website is available here: greeen-eu.net On the website you will find all contact details of all partners, information on project objectives, activities and expected results as well as on ongoing…

COMBINE – Blue Conrad on the move!

Conrad is blue, large and takes a Mercedes lorry to pull him (him, her, it) and was specifically constructed to investigate the viability of using different kinds of crops (semi-natural grasslands, road side verges, rushes, bracken, gorse) which are often…

GEP VET – Online Befragung

Online Befragung zum unternehmerischen Denken und Handeln in Aus- und Weiterbildung Das von der EU geförderte Projekt GEP VET, Grow Entrepreneurship Potential in VET Institutions (Förderung des unternehmerischen Potenzials in der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung) will unternehmerischen Denken und Handeln…

GREEEN Kick-off meeting in Göttingen

“Climate change education is about helping learners understand and address the impacts of global warming today, while at the same time encouraging the change in attitudes and behaviour needed to put our world on a more sustainable path in the…

Greetings from our REVEAL network!

Dear all, We would like to seize the opportunity to give you an overview of the latest developments in 2013: On December 19th there was the formal lift-off for the „REVEAL“ cooperative, adopted by our General Assembly. REVEAL will now…


The CLIMES Facebook page becomes GREEEN – the page was launched to share and inform on CLIMES (Climate-friendly managemenet in European Schools) related topics and activities. After the end of the funding period of the project and with the approval…

The VITA pilots


VITA intends to provide a system to validate personal and social competences by making use of the LEVEL5 system which is specifically designed to assess and visualise personal, social and organisational competence developments in rather non- and informal learning settings.…

PROVIDE – Kick-off meeting in Göttingen

The PROVIDE project team met for the two-day kick-off meeting in Göttingen, Germany. The overall aim of the meeting was to create a common understanding on the project and to plan the project activities. The project is quite complex since…