Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

La VITA è bella – European award

2nd European Award for innovative practice and initiatives on validating competences in informal and non-formal learning in Europe We are looking for projects or initiatives that tackle the theme of competence based learning and validation or for ideas on how…

THREE C – Teacher training in Tallinn

27 teachers from Finland, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands took part in a ‘Teacher Training Course’ organised by the ThreeC consortium at Tallinn University from 26 – 30 may 2015. The main aim of the course was to support…


This questionnaire will become part of the broader PROMOTE survey, which will employ qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate the awareness about existing methods as well as demand for validation of entrepreneurship, civic and learning to learn competences gained during…

LBB – Perspectives

The new Erasmus+ funding programme opened up the opportunity to create a strong and long-lasting synergy between the European Prison Education Association (EPEA) who want to bring prison educators from across Europe together in dialogue and best-practice sharing, and the…

EILEEN – Results of needs analysis

EILEEN has successfully concluded the first big task and finished the EILEEN study on intercultural competences that was carried out to obtain a detailed view of interculturality in the workplace throughout Europe. The perceptions, interest and available tools regarding interculturality…

LBB proudly presents …

At the end of the projet the LBB team is proud to present its products that are available on the LBB project website. The LBB products are the following:

GREEEN 3rd transnational partner meeting

Today is the second day of the 3rd international meeting from GREEEN network in Ankara. The focus is on the development of the GREEEN guide for climate change education, the GREEEN award and the implementation of a training day. More…

Where is EILEEN?

… currently EILEEN is in Matera. The representatives of the partner organisations from Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the UK meet today and tomorrow in Matera for their second partner meeting.  In the focus of the…


Webinar on 10.03.2015 GREEEN Network invited an expert from the THREE C project to give an input on circular economy in schools – what is circular economy and what can you do with it at schools? The webinar was followed…

PROMOTE – Kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting of PROMOTE took place in February 2015, hosted at Alden Biesen Castle and Cultural Centre, in Belgium. The meeting was organised in synergy with another Erasmus+ project, IMPACT, and the training course organised by the project PROVIDE.…