Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

And the award goes to …

Life is beautiful – this was the motto of the second European VITA award launched in the framework of the EU-project PROVIDE funded in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme.

Silver Age Silver Sage – SASSI approved

Silver Age Silver Sage – SASSI – is a new project funded in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme that started on 01.09.2015. Silver agers or best agers or the generation 50+ are in the focus of the project. Against…

GEP VET – Final conference coming soon

The GEP VET invites you to its final conference – an important milestone in the fulfilment of the goal of the project, where the GEP VET mission of encouragement of the entrepreneurship potential will be spread among an audience of…

PROMOTE – Good practice example

The PROMOTE project will be presented by Dr. Tim Scholze, blinc eG, Germany, in the Thematic University-Business Forum as a good example of collaboration between businesses and universities while addressing real-life business issues. This forum looks at how to bridge…

VALLEY – online survey

The VALLEY project team has launched an online survey addressing both volunteering organisations and volunteers. With the help of the surveys the team wants to get a deeper insight in the competences that can be acquired during volunteering services and…

GEP VEP proudly presents …

The past 2 years have been really dynamic and very fruitful – our GEP VET team identified altogether 18 most relevant entrepreneurship competences across Europe, and on that basis created 18 trainings modules that are now available in  the GEP…

Final Conference COMBINE

On 09.09.2015 the COMBINE team will carry out its final conference in Chesire, UK (close to Manchester Airport – 15 min. by train). The focus of the conference will be on presenting the outcomes and findings of the COMBINE project.…

PROVIDE Final conference – Register now

Competence based learning and validation of learning outcomes innovative informal and non-formal learning projects – This is the topic of the final conference organised by the PROVIDE team. The conference takes place in Mechelen, Belgium. Start: 17.09.2015 at 12:00 h…

GREEEN Storytelling Award

Tell us your story in a film! Once upon a time …? We want you to imagine you live in the future and tell people the story on how the battle against climate change was finally won in the beginning…