Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

And the EILEEN award goes to …

On 09.09.16 during the final conference in Athens the winners of the EILEEN award were celebrated and presented their trophies and certificates. The main prize of the award was the trip to the final conference. The winners were given the…


Are you working with volunteers? Do you support them in validating their competences acquired, or do you have an innovative idea? If you answer positively to these questions, the VALLEY European Award is for you ! Find out more here.…

EILEEN – Evaluation of award projects

Currently,  the EILEEN award jury is making a pre-selection from the more than 50 projects,  initiatives and ideas that have been submitted from all over Europe. At the end of this week the most promising candidates will be informed –…

SASSI – Training of Trainers in Portugal

The SASSI consortium offers a Training of Trainers (ToT) activity for VET/Adult education providers. The course aims at improving the technical and didactical expertise of the participating trainers in order to enable them to work with groups of mature adults.…

GREEEN – Final conference in Kassel, Germany

The GREEEN network is organising its final conference on 10.10.2016 in Kassel, Germany. The conference will offer insights in the GREEEN network activities and its main outputs. We will also have a series of workshop addressing climate change related topics.…

EILEEN – Final conference in Athens

The EILEEN consortium is organising its final conference on 09.09.2016 in Athens. The conference will offer a platform to present all main outcomes of the project and to discuss changes and challenges of intercultural teams in European enterprises. In various…

SASSI – 2nd newsletter

We have been busy!   Please CLICK HERE  to see the July 2016 Newsletter of the SASSI project for an update on our activities and progress. SASSI – the Silver Age Silver Sage Initiative is a European-wide project funded by the ERASMUS+…

EILEEN Award – Deadline extended!

Your chance to submit your project on intercultural learning! Use this last chance to submit your contribution to the EILEEN Award. The deadline is extended to July 31st. 2016. Present your project or initiative and show us in how far…

THREE C – Multiplier Event in Porto

On June 6 2016, the consortium of Three C organised a  very successful multiplier event in Porto, hosted by the Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique. Around 100 participants from six European countries shared  their experiences and ideas on circular economy…