Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

VALLEY – Save the date!

Final conference on 16.02.2017 in Marseille, France Make a note in your calendar – The VALLEY team is organising the final conference which will include conclusions from the piloting phase, a panel discussion with experts from the field, workshops ……


The GREEEN Network proudly presents the GREEEN Guide that is meant to serve teachers and other education professionals as a source of inspiration for the integration of climate change related topics into educational programmes and school curricula in a creative…

SASSI – Newsletter 3

Successful training in Matosinhos If you are interested in finding out how the course went and what we are doing next – have a look at our Newsletter nr 3.  

GREEEN – Award ceremony in Kassel

The three winning teams were invited to the 2-day GREEEN event that was hosted by the Landkreis Kassel, Germany. The prize of the competition was actually the trip to Kassel. In addition, we had a European award ceremony on Monday,…

INTENT – BUPNET staff goes Europe

BUPNET was successful in applying for funds for their continous professional develpoment of their staff. The KA1 project entitled INTENT – Intercultural competences and development for new target groups is funded within the framework of the EU Erasmus+ education programme…

GREEEN – And the awards goes to …

In the second GREEEN award the task was to describe projects or ideas that would illustrate actions, their key outcomes, and their success in meeting the climate change challenge locally. From the more than 50 submitted projects the European jury…

SASSI – Train the trainers … the experience

After the preliminary phase the trainers eventually met in Matosinhos for the 5-day face-to-face training. Trainers from UK, Portugal, Austria, Slovakia, Germany, and the Netherlands attended the course to find out more about the SASSI project and the SASSI approach…

And the award goes to …

Life is beautiful – This was again the motto of this third edition of our European award La VITA è bella!. The six lucky winners were celebrated during the 7th REVEAL conference in Thessaloniki on 22.