Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

SASSI … and the winners are

During the final conference of the SASSI project, held on 18 May and hosted by Drenthe College in Meppel, two organizations have been awarded the SASSI award. These are: Leer Werk Centrum from the Netherlands and Vzdelávací inštitút COOP from…

SASSI – Final conference ahead

The SASSI consortium is organising its final conference which will take place on May18th, 2017, in Drenthe College, Drenthe, Netherlands. The SASSI partners will introduce the SASSI methodology of providing age-sensitive training and professional development for updating and upskilling the…

EELLSS Award – Open for submission!

The EELLSS team is inviting European school students (14-19 years old) to submit projects, concepts or ideas on practical and problem based soil projects in European schools. You can describe a project that has already been carried out or is…

SASSI – Newsletter 4

We have announced the SASSI award for innovative workforce development strategies for the ageing workforce in our last post – actually the award is still open for submissions! In addition, you can not only apply for the SASSI award but…

SASSI Award – Still open for submission!

The SASSI Award is still open for submission! We are seeking submissions of innovative workforce development strategies that maintain and improve the motivation and productivity of older workers; strategies that enhance inclusion and age-diversity whilst supporting an organisational vision, and…

LISTEN Kick-off Meeting

The Kick-Off-Meeting of LISTEN – Learning Intercultural Storytelling – was held on 27. in Göttingen, Germany. In good and inspiring atmosphere representatives of all seven partners out of six European countries – Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Sweden and the United…

SASSI Award – Win a trip to the Netherlands!

SASSI Awards for innovative workforce development strategies for the ageing workforce We are seeking submissions of innovative workforce development strategies that maintain and improve the motivation and productivity of older workers; strategies that enhance inclusion and age-diversity whilst supporting an…

EMPROVE – Website launched

The EMPROVE team is glad to announce the launch of its website. It will deliver updated information on the EMPROVE project activities and provides interesting materials for download. Please visit the website here.

VALLEY – Final conference

The VALLEY final conference will take place on Thursday, February 16th, 2017, from 12 h to 18 h in Marseille, France, in the premises of the Villa Méditerranée. If you are interested in volunteering and the recognition of competences acquired…