Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

VIM Meeting in Vienna

The VIM partners met in Vienna on 05. and worked on the development of the health related training units and activities. These will be provided on the VIM Hub for download and can be used by European adult educators that…

EMPROVE – Save the Date

The EMPROVE team is happy to invite you to the final conference in Dublin on 19.09.2018 hosted by our Irish partners Exchange House Ireland. The conference will give an insight in all the project activities and outcomes and will be…

LISTEN Award – Submit a story

The LISTEN team invites you to enter the LISTEN award with a story – fictional or real. The story can be a memory, a self-created story, a fairytale, legend or myth. The stories should reflect the idea of LISTEN aimed…

Health Points – Website online

The Health Points team announces that its website is now online. It will give you all background information on the project and deliver regular updates on the project’s current development. Based on the user consultations and the former Health Box…


In May, the German National Agency invited the VIC team to contribute with an article to the EPALE’s thematic focus for June “Assessing adults’ skills”. The article highlights major findings from the first research phase, gives an overview of the…

VIM – Newsletter 2

The second newsletter of the VIM project summarises the findings of the comprehensive research activities in terms of main barriers for migrants to access national healthcare services and their training needs. Please download the newsletter here. For the full research…

VIM – Good practice examples

In addition to the interviews the VIM partners also searched for good practice examples on existing health education projects and resources for migrants and other disadvantaged groups. We felt that we could learn something from these examples that could be…

VIM – Results of interviews

The VIM partners have carried out 61 interviews with educational and social professionals in the six partner countries. The aim was to define the learning needs of migrant adults in terms of most relevant health education topics. These will be…

Health Points – User consultations

The project aims to develop an attractive interactive game-based learning strategy and accompanying resources to support trainers and educators working with disadvantaged young adults, in order to increase their capacity, competency and the resources available to them to promote healthier…