Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

VIM – Newsletter 3

The third newsletter presents the training offer for adult educators who wish to embed small training units – that we simply call “activities” as these shall be interactive and shall involve migrants and refugees in all kind of playful, discovery…

PRACTICE – Kick-off Meeting

The PRACTICE project – Preventing Radicalism through Critical Thinking Competences aims to develop EU-wide continuing professional development (CPD) programme for teachers focussing on promotion of social, civic and intercultural competences and critical thinking of secondary school students. PRACTICE addresses current…

SASSI-Working On

We are pleased to announce that the follow-up project of the project SASSI was approved by the National Agency in UK. SASSI-Working On will exploit and further develop the products develped in the previous project in terms of age-sensitive training to…

EMPROVE – Final conference

The final conference on 19.09.2018 in Dublin was a great event. There were at least 70 external guests representing many different help and support centres in the field of domestic violence as well as training providers and the police. The…

VIM Training Offer

The VIM training offers small training units called simply “activities” as these shall be interactive and shall involve migrants and refugees in all kind of playful, discovery oriented and holistic activities. These  are clustered into the following main categories:

INTENT – Job shadowing in London

Jobshadowing in London – Schülerförderung mal anders Im Rahmen unseres KA1 Projekte INTENT hatte ich die Möglichkeit ein 2,5 wöchiges Jobshadowing bei einer spannenden gemeinnützigen Organisation in London. Jobshadowing bedeutet, dass ich den Kollegen dort über die Schulter geschaut habe…