Sabine Wiemann

Sabine Wiemann

VIM – Get the Quality Badge!

Do you represent a European organisation that promotes health education for migrants? Let your stakeholders know about it and use the VIM Quality Badge! The VIM Quality Badge is a tangible label designed to convey the engagement of adult educators…

Launch of Job Bridge surveys!

Job Bridge project partners are launching two surveys to help them analyse the situation regarding validation and volunteering in the EU. One is addressing former and current volunteers, the other addresses volunteer-based organisations (facilitators of volunteers). Are you a former…

VIM – Event in each partner organisation

Each VIM partner is organising a multiplier event in these days. The aim is to make interested trainers familiar with the VIM approach and the developed materials provided on the VIM Hub. If you are interested in joining such an…

VIM Hub available now

The VIM team is happy to announce that the VIM online hub (educational resources) is available now in English. It offers training units with activities on different health topics as well as further resources and interesting links to deepen the…

Job Bridge – Kick-off in Paris

On 12. of February, 2019, the Job Bridge partners met in Paris for the kick-off meeting. The main purpose of the meeting was to get to know to each other and to plan in detail the first project activities. The…

Job Bridge – The Start

Volunteering is an important means for (young) people to develop themselves, by building new relationships and gaining a whole set of life skills that can improve their employability. It serves to gather important experience in unknown fields, to develop social,…